Lake Bluff Elementary School building

Lake Bluff Elementary Centennial

Celebrate Lake Bluff Elementary School’s centennial birthday Sept 21st!

Lake Bluff Centennial School Tour
1600 E. Lake Bluff Blvd.
Saturday, September 21, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Frog gargoyle at Lake Bluff Elementary SchoolLook Up!
Frogs, rabbits and owls are hiding in the corners.
Dolphins are hiding in the leaded glass windows.
Murals honoring Lincoln, Roosevelt and Audubon adorn classroom walls. And there are four fireplaces!

Lake Bluff School is an architectural and decorative gem. Designed by Eschweiler and Eschweiler in 1924,  the building has withstood the tests of time and later additions.  Many of the original decorative tiles (as well as wood work and furniture) remain and more recent student art projects have added to the beauty and whimsy of the building.

Centennial building tours will be self-guided, but retired teachers and Historical Society members will be stationed throughout the building to answer questions and tell the building’s stories.  A video narrated by Ben Tyjeski (Milwaukee artist and tile expert) will be available to view and his new book, “The Lake Bluff Story in Art Tiles” will be for sale.

The tour is sponsored by the Shorewood Historical Society.

A family picnic, sponsored by the Lake Bluff PTO will take place on the front lawn from 12 noon to 2 p.m.